miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Check out what all your classmates have been describing about their favorite amazing animals!

Fwd: ants: gonzalo and toño

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Toño y Gon $$$$$ <>
Date: 14/10/2009 17:55
Subject: ants: gonzalo and toño
To: miss karina <>

hello teacher!!!! 
your blog this cool:)
 The video of the ants treatment in which the ants work in team and others bugs do not do it. It also happened that an ant cannot kill bug bigger than it, but if all work in team, they can kill a bigger bug

Fwd: ants mauricio serrano 4°b

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mauricio Serrano Camacho <>
Date: 14/10/2009 18:29
Subject: ants mauricio serrano 4°b

The ants eat the larvae, they drink and have wings, a toad can also be eaten by them. 
The ants fight with queen and among them.

Conoce el reto de esta semana y y gana con Perfil de Windows Live

Re: hallo teacher

Thanks for watching the video, but I would like you to translate the first part of your comment so I can publish it in the blog and you can watch it, is that OK with you? Well,  c u !! :-)

2009/10/14, gaby,pis,ire,fer frias <>:
yo   vi el video de las hormigas  de make the fungus
bey bey


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Coca Bahena <>
Date: 14/10/2009 18:38

Ants are strong, fast, when they hunt their victim all combine the power so they could shoot it and drag it to thieir nest.

Tu vida, tus amigos y lo que te interesa está en Perfil de Windows Live. Actualízalo.

Fwd: work about ants

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: friends 4 ever 4 b <>
Date: 14/10/2009 19:54
Subject: work about ants

I saw that the ants work together and fast, ants speak with their antennae.
The queen produces 208 leaves every hour
Sorry, it is a small  paragraph, but I could hize :-) :-) :-)
Regards,  Paloma
I love you teacher

Fwd: the ants

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tody totis <>
Date: 14/10/2009 19:57
Subject: the ants

red fire ants like this in south America have gotten a bad reputation in our world, most people know them as those pesky critter that can sting you and burns life crazy.
they are incredible strong they can lift 10 times their ownbody weight can you imaging a men liftin one ton truce.Lets talk about team work the ants can bring down a dragon fly.
the queen mates dud fret in the air,produces dud eggs,an hour having over 3 millon daughtens over her life time yes, daughtens because all workes are females.
This email was sent by Tomàs :-)

Test email

Let`s see if this works out properly!!!


miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

I would like you to watch a short video which will show you interesting facts about ants!! Once you watch it, please let me know your comments!!

Click here to watch the video


martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

We already know about Safety Tips and we have studied some of them. But I would like to know what your opinion is about them and which one was the most representative for you. Tell me about it!!


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